The First Step To Save America: Resist Tyranny
Covid-19 is a bioweapon created to usher in the Great Reset. Now that we've got that established, the question becomes: What do we do about it?
This is exactly what I discussed with Judge Fred Mosley on BrighteonTV's Laws of Life Court TV. There's all sorts of things that need to be done, but none of it works without taking that first step.
The first thing that you and I can do to combat the globalist push for the New World Order is to simply resist tyranny. This means that we do not comply with illegal "mandates." It's important that we understand that any mask or vaccine mandate is illegal, as it puts a condition upon our Constitutional Right to Peaceably Assemble.
While the Left will try to explain it away that this is not the case, the result of any vaccine or mask mandate takes away your right to peaceably assemble UNLESS you comply with their mandate. Because our Founding Fathers established that our rights are given to us by God and cannot be taken away by government, any attempt to do is illegal.
As a Christian who believes in law and order, I do not want to be complicit with illegal activity. If a mandate attempts to violate the Constitution of the United States of America, that is illegal and I will not submit to this tyranny.
This is the kind of mentality that we need to start with. Once we are committed to no longer comply with a tyrannical government, then we can move on to the rest of the strategies to save America. However, without civil disobedience, we have zero chance of succeeding.
On February 5th, we'll be hosting the American Action Summit: End Medical Tyranny, which will equip you with the tools for your toolbox to fight back against these illegal mandates ushered in by the bioweapon called Covid-19. Dr Sherri Tenpenny, Dr Mark Sherwood, Pastor Greg Locke, JR Majewski, Mindy Robinson and the rest of the speakers will not only get you fired up and give you the truth about Covid and the vaccines, but what you can do immediately to end the madness.
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