USPS Admits Postal Workers Illegally Spied on Americans

When you think of your local Post Office, you think of the people who deliver your mail and get you stamps. What you don't think of is that Post Office workers could be the modern day James Bond... an undercover spy.
Well, it turns out that the USPS has been working on a covert mission to spy on American citizens... and now they are finally admitting that it was illegal and that at least a quarter of their work within this program was unauthorized and illegal.
Postal inspectors’ covert surveillance program conducted unauthorized searches and exceeded its law enforcement authority, according to a new audit from the United States Postal Service’s watchdog.
The USPS Inspector General found more than a quarter of analysts’ work on a covert program over two-plus years may not have had legal authorization.
The inspector general dug into the postal inspectors’ Internet Covert Operations Program (iCOP) at the request of the House Oversight and Reform Committee, which urged the watchdog last year to review accusations that the postal service surveilled Americans’ social media accounts through iCOP.
“We determined that certain proactive searches iCOP conducted using an open-source intelligence tool from February to April 2021 exceeded the Postal Inspection Service’s law enforcement authority,” said the audit dated March 25.
“Furthermore, we could not corroborate whether other work analysts completed from October 2018 through June 2021 was legally authorized,” the auditors wrote.
You know the government is out of control when you have the United States Postal Service contracted to spy on you. What are Republicans going to do about this? Hopefully something more than simply complaining. It's time to get our government overreach under control again.
Obviously, our country has been infiltrated by Marxists who are destroying this country and have weaponized virtually every aspect of the government, including now the USPS. We've seen this same infiltration within the Evangelical Church, as well. Order a copy of the book Church & State: How the Left Used the Church to Conquer America to understand exactly how they were able to do overthrow our country. Authors include Pastor Greg Locke, Denise McAllister and Dr Michael Brown. Click here to order using code JEFF for 10% discount.
"exceeded its law enforcement authority..." The post office doesn't have any law enforcement authority to exceed.
So, I am a little confused.....why the post office, they don't deal w/ the internet....that is not their area of expertise. If they had mailmen reporting every day on what was happening at a particular house it would make sense as the mailman goes by almost every day. But the internet....It would make more sense if it was the phone company. I don't doubt for a minute that they are doing it....but why the post office. It would be like if the bridge inspection people were spying on private aviation....Would make no sense.
One thing you can be sure of, that is the FBI is on top of this story!